Devolved County Functions for CEC’s.

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Devolution means that the certain ministry sectors are managed by the county government and not the national government. The county government is managed by the governor with the help of CEC representatives. CEC stands for County Executive Committee.

The below 36 devolved functions are combined by the governor in approximately 10 clusters and assigned to a CEC for management. The functions have been clustered according to the common clusters seen in majority of the counties.

  1. Health Services
  1. Education
  2. The Arts
  3. ICT
  1. Roads & Transport
  2. Public Works
  3. Energy
  4. Infrastructure
  5. Energy
  6. Housing
  1. Public Service
  2. Administration
  3. ICT
  4. Devolution
  1. Youth
  2. Sports
  3. Gender
  4. Social Service
  5. The Arts
  6. Culture
  1. Finance
  2. Economic Planning
  1. Trade
  2. Urban & Cooperative Development
  3. Industrialisation
  1. Water & Sanitation
  2. Environment
  3. Natural Resources – Forestry, Climate Change
  4. Tourism & Wildlife
  1. Agriculture
  2. Livestock
  3. Fisheries
  4. Irrigation
  1. Lands
  2. Housing
  3. Urban & Physical Planning

These sectors can be combined differently based on the strengths of the CEC representative, the needs of the county and management plan that the governor has.

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