The Role of LabFlow Kenya.
Labflow Kenya offers diagnostic and screening tests that can be used without laboratory facilities and at the point of care. It is important to note that effective laboratory management ensures that proper quality control and quality assurance practices are in place.
Quality cannot be sacrificed in the interest of speed or production volume. Effective laboratory management maximizes tools, resources, and time to empower the lab’s members to step up their output as well as their quality.
Some best practices for effective quality control laboratory management include:
- Using metrics and KPIs to optimize the strengths of the lab and improve any bottlenecks present.
- Ensuring that proper quality control and quality assurance practices are in place.
- Giving staff autonomy to perform.
- Reinforcing best practices, which happens more easily when repetitive tasks are automated, measured and visualized whilst lab members are given the autonomy to perform.
- Encouraging transparency so that lab members can help each other grow, rather than work against each other.
- Maintaining knowledge of local, county, and national regulations.
- Detecting, evaluating, and correcting errors due to test system failure, environmental conditions, or operator performance before patient results are affected.
Overall, quality control is crucial in ensuring that laboratory results are accurate and reliable. Effective laboratory management is essential in ensuring that proper quality control and quality assurance practices are in place.