Health Facilities in Meru County.

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Meru County is located in the Eastern region of Kenya. In the 2022-2027 government, George Gikunda Mungania is serving as the Health Minister for Meru county. (This is as of November 2022). In the 2017-2022 government, Misheck Mutuma M’Muyuri held this position. Health Ministers are also known as ‘CEC Member for Health’ or CEC Representative for Health.

CEC stands for County Executive Committee. The committees’ chief executive is the county governor while the deputy chief executive is the deputy county governor. In addition to the health representative, the committee has other representatives (approximately ten in total). They represent other devolved functions listed here. Depending on the county, devolved roles are combined differently.

Meru County has 10 Sub-Counties:

  1. Buuri
  2. Igembe Central
  3. Igembe North
  4. Igembe South
  5. Imenti Central
  6. Imenti North
  7. Imenti South
  8. Tigania Central
  9. Tigania East
  10. Tigania West

In summary, Meru County has 601 health facilities spread across the 10 sub-counties. 10.1% of these are faith-based facilities (61) while 33.1% belong to the ministry of health (199). This leaves 1.2% under NGO’s (7) and 55.6% listed as private facilities (334). Kenya has a total of 14,251 health facilities. This translates to Meru County having 5.12% of the country’s Total Facilities.

Let us look at the numbers in each sub-county.

In Buuri sub-county, there are 73 health facilities. This makes up 12% of the health facilities in Meru County and 0.51% of the total number in the country.

Buuri houses the following 5 Wards: Timau, Kisima, Kiirua (Naari), Ruiri (Rwarera) & Kibirichia.

Ministry of HealthNon-Governmental OrganisationFaith Based OrganisationPrivate Organisation
Health Facilities in Buuri

In Igembe Central county, there are 40 health facilities. This makes up 7% of the health facilities in Meru County and 0.28% of the total number in the country.

Igembe Central houses the following 5 Wards: Akirang’ondu, Athiru Ruujine, Igembe East, Njia & Kangeta.

Ministry of HealthNon-Governmental OrganisationFaith Based OrganisationPrivate Organisation
Health Facilities in Igembe Central

In Igembe North sub-county, there are 30 health facilities. This makes up 5% of the health facilities in Meru County and 0.21% of the total number in the country.

Igembe North houses the following 5 Wards: Antuambui, Ntunene, Antubetwe Kiongo, Naatu & Amwathi.

Ministry of HealthNon-Governmental OrganisationFaith Based OrganisationPrivate Organisation
Health Facilities in Igembe North

In Igembe South sub-county, there are 58 health facilities. This makes up 10% of the health facilities in Meru County and 0.41% of the total number in the country.

Igembe South houses the following 5 Wards: Maua, Kiegoi (Antubochiu), Athiru Gaiti, Akachiu & Kanuni.

Ministry of HealthNon-Governmental OrganisationFaith Based OrganisationPrivate Organisation
Health Facilities in Igembe South

In Imenti Central sub-county, there are 49 health facilities. This makes up 8% of the health facilities in Meru County and 0.34% of the total number in the country.

Imenti Central houses the following 4 Wards: Mwanganthia, Abothuguchi Central, Abothuguchi West & Kiagu.

Ministry of HealthNon-Governmental OrganisationFaith Based OrganisationPrivate Organisation
Health Facilities in Imenti Central

In Imenti North sub-county, there are 170 health facilities. This makes up 28% of the health facilities in Meru County and 1.19% of the total number in the country.

Imenti North houses the following 5 Wards: Municipality, Ntima East, Ntima West, Nyaki West & Nyaki East.

Ministry of HealthNon-Governmental OrganisationFaith Based OrganisationPrivate Organisation
Health Facilities in Imenti North

In Imenti South sub-county, there are 86 health facilities. This makes up 14% of the health facilities in Meru County and 0.60% of the total number in the country.

Imenti South houses the following 6 Wards: Mitunguu, Igoji East, Igoji West, Abogeta East, Abogeta West & Nkuene.

Ministry of HealthNon-Governmental OrganisationFaith Based OrganisationPrivate Organisation
Health Facilities in Imenti South

In Tigania Central sub-county, there are 25 health facilities. This makes up 4% of the health facilities in Meru County and 0.18% of the total number in the country.

Tigania Central houses the following 5 Wards: Karai, Nachu, Sigona, Kikuyu & Kinoo.

Ministry of HealthNon-Governmental OrganisationFaith Based OrganisationPrivate Organisation
Health Facilities in Tigania Central

In Tigania East sub-county, there are 24 health facilities. This makes up 4% of the health facilities in Meru County and 0.17% of the total number in the country.

Tigania East houses the following 5 Wards: Thangatha, Mikinduri, Kiguchwa, Muthara & Karama.

Ministry of HealthNon-Governmental OrganisationFaith Based OrganisationPrivate Organisation
Health Facilities in Tigania East

In Tigania West sub-county, there are 46 health facilities. This makes up 8% of the health facilities in Meru County and 0.32% of the total number in the country.

Tigania West houses the following 5 Wards: Athwana, Akithii, Kianjai, Nkomo & Mbeu.

Ministry of HealthNon-Governmental OrganisationFaith Based OrganisationPrivate Organisation
Health Facilities in Tigania West

In conclusion,

  • There are a total of 45 wards in the 10 sub counties of Meru County. Imenti South has the highest (6) number of wards while Imenti Central has the lowest (4).
  • Imenti North has the highest number (170) of health facilities (28% of Meru County & 1.19% of Kenya).
  • Imenti South has the highest number of Faith-Based Health Facilities. (Total of 14 out of 61)
  • Imenti South has the highest number of Ministry of Health Facilities (Public). (Total of 35 each out of 199)
  • Imenti North has the highest number of NGO Health Facilities. (Total of 5 out of 7)
  • Imenti North has the highest number of Private Health Facilities. (Total of 135 out of 334)
Sub County Faith Based OrganisationMinistry of HealthNon Governmental OrganisationPrivate PracticeTotals %
Buuri East510023386%
Buuri West210023356%
Igembe Central 717016407%
Igembe North215013305%
Igembe South 5161365810%
Imenti Central1121116498%
Imenti North921513517028%
Imenti South14350378614%
Tigania Central11509254%
Tigania East210012244%
Tigania West329014268%
Health Facilities in Meru County

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