One can of Test-it 10 costs Ksh. 820 and has 100 test strips inside.
- 10-parameter urinalysis test.
- The routine ten parameter test strips are a combination of different test pads coated on a single strip providing quick, cost-effective analysis of urinary samples.
- These strips aid in the general evaluation of health and in the diagnosis and monitoring of metabolic or systemic diseases.

Test results are interpreted by direct comparison to the color blocks printed on the canister label. Below are the 10 parameters:
1 | BLD – Blood – Test for Blood | Urological or Kidney Diseases. |
2 | UBG – Urobilinogen – Test for Urobilinogen | Liver Diseases & Hemolytic Disorders. |
3 | BIL – Bilirubin – Test for Bilirubin | Certain Liver & Bile Diseases. |
4 | PRO – Protein – Test for Protein | Renal Diseases. |
5 | NIT – Nitrite – Test for Nitrite | Urinary Tract Infections of Bacterial Origin |
6 | KET – Ketones – Test for Ketones | Ketoacidosis & Diabetes. |
7 | GLU – Glucose – Test for Glucose | Carbohydrate Metabolism Disorders. |
8 | pH – Test for pH | Renal or Metabolic Disorders. |
9 | SG – Specific Gravity | Urine Tampering. |
10 | LEU – Leukocytes – Test for Leukocytes | Inflammation of Kidneys & Urinary Tract. |
Please find instructions for use here